
C. Stevenson MS
Session 2009-139



Name C. Stevenson MS
Web site http://nisd.net/stevenson/
Location San Antonio, TX, US
Community Urban
Type Public


Subjects Gifted & Talented
Grades 6th Grade
Students 65


Title CSI-6th Grade
Description Students will be participating in a unit of study called CSI. They will be investigating crime scenes and solving the crimes. The use of the electron microscope will be a fantastic tool for our students to examine fibers, soil samples and possibly insect larve from their mock crime scenes and compare them to pieces of evidence collected from suspects. Student will utilize the microscope in 3 groups, with 20 minutes of access per group.


Where did you hear
about Bugscope?
I have used BugScope the past 2 years during an Entomology unit. I first learned about BugScope during an inservice by a campus CIT.
